Thursday, April 30, 2009

Being Silly

So he is so silly....his new favorite game is to pull the blanket off the couch and sit on it until one of us pull him around. He thinks it is so fun...he cracks up laughing. Then if we stop he will start attitude from him ;-)

1 Year Pic

These are some of Tylers 1 Year old pictures....he was just learning how to walk and didnt want to stay still! It was fun trying to catch his attention :-)

Date: April 29 and April 30th

So Tyler is now 14 months old.....cant believe it! He is getting so freaking big! He is running around the house and wanting to be outside constantly! He loves to point out things to us and if we don't look right when he wants us to he will turn our heads for us :-) He is really good at walking now and is trying to get the hang of running. It is so funny to watch those little legs go so fast :-)